Blogger That

Sunday, October 31, 2004

The change of URL and name

Blogger was being stupid and saying that '' wasn't working, or didn't exist, or blah.

So I tried changing the address, but I figured - this might happen again! (BTW, I changed the name to suit the current new address (the one at Blogspot, anyway), it's just another play on 'Blogger' sounding like 'Bugger'...that being, 'Blogger That'.)

So, I got a free redirecting domain name from the people at, This is so I can change my address at, and then just update the redirection address. That way, any loyal readers won't lose access to my blog, a true catastrophe/stroke of luck.

Just to explain the changes. Thanks for your understanding (and to anybody who managed to go here after my old address didn't work!)

EDIT: Of course, after I posted that, the old address mysteriously sprang back into 'existence'. Strange. So I'm now again using for the time being, and updated the redirection url to compensate. But please use the latter, so if I have to change my Blogspot address you don't have to suffer. Thanks heaps!

Brief update

Sorry to all those lulled into a false sense of regular updates, the past 2 days have had none, pretty much.

It's because I've been busy working (9-5 Sat, 11-2 Sun) and went to Eddy's last night... had little time at home.

I will update later. I g2g get ready for church now.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Voyager, Arnold, and Aliens

For those that don't know, and want to, there is a Star Trek: Voyager marathon on cable TV's TV1 channel starting tonight (Fri 29th Oct) and going through via 27 episodes till 5pm tomorrow. IMHO, Voyager is definitely the best Star Trek series, although Next Generation is also fantastic, and the original series also good (for a laugh at the old special fx, anyway).

After all the fuss over Arnold Schwarzenegger running for office in California, we have heard little of how the big-muscled, slow-talking movie star is going in his new position. No word on policies, or rampaging through the streets armed with a 9-gauge. What is he up to, I wonder? Anybody know?

Listening to the awesome Switchfoot album "The Beautiful Letdown", I was listening to the repeated line "I don't belong here" in the title track and realised how easy it is to become lost in the veil of this world, when we as Christians really do not belong here. There won't be blogs, games, or computers in heaven. Or all the other temporary things of this world. Yet I, and so many others seem determined to clutch onto all we have in this world, unable to see beyond our mere 80 years on this planet. This is just a friendly reminder to me and my brothers and sisters in Christ to always remember we "don't belong here" and are meant to live as if our home is in heaven, not here!

AtomFilms - Bottom of the 9th

AtomFilms - Bottom of the 9th

A hilarious short computer animated film about a guy's antic on the john... not really rude in any way, no details are shown of course, and it's well animated and quite funny. Nice work by the animator. Again, open in IE so the javascript works for the popup that contains the movie. Goes for 3mins10secs. Enjoy!

Amusing Quote from Soldat readme

Please remember that this is a small shareware game made by one man. If you try to break the game protection you make harm to yourself because the author can stop making the game if he;s out of money and with overload of work making new anti-hack and anti-cheat systems all the time. If you want to hack something please concentrate on big company's like EA Games. Hacking a big commercial title will prove that you are good, please leave Soldat alone.

That's just funny. It's from the Soldat readme. I don't recommend the game, because it doesn't run on my machine. You can get it from FilePlanet if you're desperate. I just love how the author tries to palm off hackers (not g01d ones, of course) to bigger companies, naming EA Games in particular, and tells people to leave him alone. Gotta love it.

AtomFilms - Spider-Man: The Peril of Doc Ock

AtomFilms - Spider-Man: The Peril of Doc Ock

Open with Internet Explorer (sucks... but what can you do?). Watch this movie, it's a LEGO version of Spiderman 2... not that I've seen the real movie, but this one looks pretty darn cool.

Worth watching (only 3mins49secs).

Purple Citric Avacado's

Just for a random title, instead of "Another Post" or "It's me again... on my own blog..."

Yesterday: Didn't do much. Slept in though my alarm (well, heard it, reached up automatically to turn it off, and went back to sleep... or so I'm told. I have no recollection of doing so) until about 5 to 10am. Realised I had a lecture in 5mins time, so I went back to sleep, knowing my next "important" class was at 5pm. Got up at about 11am/midday, phaffed around getting ready/watching TV/checking emails, etc. Did the maths quiz due today with the help of, oh the joy of it! When I finally left around 4pm, I stopped off at Neil's house, and stayed too long chatting, so I eventually got to uni at 5:30pm, too late to go to class (I feel confident enough with Philosophy anyways, the only downside is missing more great quotes and Alex's antics). But there was enough time for a middy of beer with friends in the club lounge. Went to maths, left at half time (7pm) because none of us understood what was going on at all, and returned to the club lounge for beer and pool. Plus I played a cheesy arcade game that was like Street Fighter with kid-style anime graphics, and the way to beat the opponent was by playing a puzzle. Still, it was $1 for 2 games, so I wasn't complaining. I lost the first game, then won one and lost the next. All for $1. I also lost in pool after coming from behind to just miss out vs. Tim (see previous posts for links to his blog). Then got a lift home from uni with Marto, who I pretty much only know through his generous provision of lifts on a Thursday night. He's one of Tim's old school friends, and amusing to share a car with, as "road rage" is a pretty good summation of his driving style. Good driver, though... just very vocal about others who might not be.

Today: Woke up at 9, played RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Demo(cool game, very new, nice graphics, I like it). Then some Tribes: Vengeance Multiplayer Demo, and then finally got onto the net, discovered I had finally downloaded a Red Dwarf episode (Season 3: Episode I - Backwards) where Rimmer and Kryten land in a backwards version of Earth... it was quite a good episode, laugh-out-loud funny in parts! I love the dodgy old special effects, you can pick so many flaws, but they do the job, and it looks cool anyways. Which brings me to now, typing away at another long post for my blog.

Plan to post a brief review of the Need For Speed: Underground 2 Demo after this in a seperate post.

~Greg out.

Need For Speed: Underground 2 - Demo

The demo for Need For Speed: Underground 2 has been released at FilePlanet (amongst other sites, I'm sure). I downloaded it last night and had a play... here are some brief thoughts:

Graphics are nice enough. They seem fairly realistic, I like them, and the headlights etc are quite nicely done. No real beefs here.

Damage modelling: As in the previous game, frustrating none! It's very annoying to crash head on into an oncoming car and have both cars bounce a little but otherwise remain unscathed. Of course, I know the reason why (games with licensed real-life cars such as NFSU usually have the license to use the car model given on the condition that their car is not damaged. For instance, in the demo, the only drivable car is the Nissan 350Z. Nissan would not have given the rights to use that model if player could turn their nice car into an unrecognisable flaming twisted wreck). It's still incredibly frustrating, though, ESPECIALLY in light of the more realistic graphics, etc.

Handling: I dunno, I'm not much of a car game (or car) enthusiast, but it seemed a bit frustrating... sometimes I would turn okay, but others it would be too much or not at all. Weird. Could have been something to do with the "Handling Control" or some such setting.

Game modes: You get a limited go at the 'explore' mode, where most bits are blocked off, and I can't really figure out much to do that's interesting. You get a track each for 'quick race' and 'drift' modes. I prefer the drift, although my fingers ache after playing that one for a while. My top score was finally remotely respectable at 89,659. Can you beat that? (Yes, of course you can).

That's about it for my thoughts on that. Has anyone else tried it?

Oh, and Neil's post about a brain in a dish controlling a flight sim is also very cool. Read the article and shudder.

Sorry to all the dialup users.

Sorry, I guess I got carried away there. Please comment on this post as to whether you want to see the rest of those CAD (Ctrl-Alt-Delete) comics or not. I'm guessing not. And I apologise for the swearing if it offends you so. Me? I'd prefer it if it wasn't there, but if used sparingly, it can make it funny.

If I get too many flames, I will delete all those posts. They were done using Hello from the same company that produces Picasa, both of which work together as excellent image filing tools, and which I would recommend at least trying.

I love this CAD cartoon. (21/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (20/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (19/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (16/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (14/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (12/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (10/51) - Sounds nice...

I love this CAD cartoon. (9/51) - All Computing students need to take note of this one!

I love this CAD cartoon. (8/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (4/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (5/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (3/51)

I love this CAD cartoon. (1/51)

I love this cartoon of Vice City madness from VG Cats. "Its funny 'cos it's true."

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Microwave Oven Experiment Page

Microwave Oven Experiment Page
I'm gonna steal this link off some other guy's blog, cos I think it's pretty cool. I wish I could do half the stuff in my microwave without ruining the parts I haven't yet ruined. And without getting yelled at (for good reason) by Mum.

So I'll watch these videos instead.

Check it out!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

My Day

Completely ignoring the fact that my introductory post is far from complete for now, I shall procede to comment on my day, which will probably only make sense if you know me well enough at the moment, i.e. anybody who is likely to be reading this, which, of course, is no one.

Today was kind of interesting. Certain bits of it, anyway.
Started off with doing absolutely nothing related to COMP154 (Databases and Information Systems crap) in a prac for that subject.

Had an interesting Student Life ICS Core Group. My wit was running hot (or so it seemed... i.e. people were laughing... probably AT me, of course)...

Aside:I have been using "i.e." a lot in this post. Which is strange, considering I hate the Microsoft product by that same acronym. Instead, I use the far superior Opera web browser, which is well worth checking out for everybody, for reasons I will explain later, I'm sure. I'm very vocal about it, generally.

(back to the Core Group story)...People seemed to find my mention of one of ICS' needs of "girls++;" quite amusing. Oh well. I guess it's only cos one of my ideas of a computing joke is "[anything]++" if you want more of it, or if [anything] increases. Maybe they just haven't heard me use it enough yet for it to be as decidedly unfunny as the rest of my "jokes". We went through a sketchy version of our Strategic Vision for ICS, especially since Dan (check out his blog, as well) is likely to be leaving next year. Geoff is quite the expert at writing upside down, I was very impressed.

Then I was supposed to meet with Joy, but she had work, apparently. So I got "stood up" in the social, non-dating sense of the term again.

Then I had a COMP154 tut, which as usual, I just chatted with Adrian in.

Then I had IT with Dan, which was spent talking about girls, some of what becoming a Student Life worker actually involves, and back to girls. I think.

I then "studied" with friends for the MATH135 (First real 1st Year Maths subject... and the devil.) test worth 10% at 8pm (for me, anyways).

Then I went to Philosophy with Pembo which was unusually funny, even for Philosophy. I mean, it's usually amusing, because of Alex, my drunken Scottish philosopher lecturer (or so I like to think), but he had some great memorable quotes that I wrote down because I can never remember them. ;-) I'll post these later, and do a grand collection of them all at the end for reference, which I will post here if I remember.

Maths was interesting. Not because of the lecture content (although I was having one of those "Wow... I ALMOST get this." moments, which was probably because I was listening for once). My two friends on either side decided they were not going to listen, though, and one borrowed my phone to play games on while the other borrowed my Palm to play games on. It was quite rare, my pockets were relatively empty, and instead of me being the one playing with my Palm/phone, my two friends either side had them, and I was listening. It was just weird.

The test after that went okay, thanks to Tim and Dave's heads up on what to expect. I should pass (bet I won't now). That's it for today, I suppose.

I can so see this blog getting either deadly dull real soon, or just fizzling out altogether soon, but maybe not. We'll see.

~Greg out.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Welcome to my Blog.

Welcome to the blog which will detail some of the lurid details of the better-left-unsaid thoughts of my mind. So I'll type them up instead, and hopefully some poor lonely soul with nothing better to do will read my ramblings and take solace in the fact he's not nearly as crazy as me.

First, a brief summary of my present situation (as at the date of this post):
I am 18 years old, who finished the HSC last year (the high school equivalent of ultimate torture...a.k.a. the final year of high school here in Australia), and I am studying at Macquarie University in Ryde, NSW. My degree at the moment is Computer Science...