Purple Citric Avacado's
Just for a random title, instead of "Another Post" or "It's me again... on my own blog..."
Yesterday: Didn't do much. Slept in though my alarm (well, heard it, reached up automatically to turn it off, and went back to sleep... or so I'm told. I have no recollection of doing so) until about 5 to 10am. Realised I had a lecture in 5mins time, so I went back to sleep, knowing my next "important" class was at 5pm. Got up at about 11am/midday, phaffed around getting ready/watching TV/checking emails, etc. Did the maths quiz due today with the help of QuickMath.com, oh the joy of it! When I finally left around 4pm, I stopped off at Neil's house, and stayed too long chatting, so I eventually got to uni at 5:30pm, too late to go to class (I feel confident enough with Philosophy anyways, the only downside is missing more great quotes and Alex's antics). But there was enough time for a middy of beer with friends in the club lounge. Went to maths, left at half time (7pm) because none of us understood what was going on at all, and returned to the club lounge for beer and pool. Plus I played a cheesy arcade game that was like Street Fighter with kid-style anime graphics, and the way to beat the opponent was by playing a puzzle. Still, it was $1 for 2 games, so I wasn't complaining. I lost the first game, then won one and lost the next. All for $1. I also lost in pool after coming from behind to just miss out vs. Tim (see previous posts for links to his blog). Then got a lift home from uni with Marto, who I pretty much only know through his generous provision of lifts on a Thursday night. He's one of Tim's old school friends, and amusing to share a car with, as "road rage" is a pretty good summation of his driving style. Good driver, though... just very vocal about others who might not be.
Today: Woke up at 9, played RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Demo(cool game, very new, nice graphics, I like it). Then some Tribes: Vengeance Multiplayer Demo, and then finally got onto the net, discovered I had finally downloaded a Red Dwarf episode (Season 3: Episode I - Backwards) where Rimmer and Kryten land in a backwards version of Earth... it was quite a good episode, laugh-out-loud funny in parts! I love the dodgy old special effects, you can pick so many flaws, but they do the job, and it looks cool anyways. Which brings me to now, typing away at another long post for my blog.
Plan to post a brief review of the Need For Speed: Underground 2 Demo after this in a seperate post.
~Greg out.
Yeah, valid point. However, at least as some sort of pathetic justification for my actions, I have bought seasons 1 and 2 of Red Dwarf on DVD legitimately for around $40 each. So it's not as if the creators of an oldish TV Show have missed out on my money. I have just got one or two additional episodes for free, in effect.
Greg, at 2 November 2004 at 3:35 pm
Hmmm, so hot! slept in through the alarm, I do that too. You and I have so much in common, call me on 1800-love-me
Anonymous, at 8 November 2004 at 10:47 am
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