New series of posts
This is the announcement for a new series of posts, all starting with:
Why I...
The motivation for this series is that I figure one of the roles of this blog is to allow others to get to know me a little better. So sharing why I do stuff, especially why I like certain stuff, allows that. Besides, I have an intrinsic belief that whether we realise it or not, other people are absolutely fascinating. Obviously some are less fascinating than others, but hopefully I'm interesting enough for you to read my reasons for a lot of the stuff I do. You don't have to agree with me of course, but at least hearing me out is polite, if not mind expanding.
In particular, my planned articles on my Palm usage, and my obsession (I admit it... for better or worse) with games, and why I can say I like the incredibly geeky art of programming, all might open the eyes of those who cannot fathom the mind of a computer obsessed person like me. In a rash generalisation, this applies especially to girls, most of whom seem to have a great deal of trouble understanding any the gamer mentality, and a lot also struggle to see how one can spend so much time parked (metaphorically) in front of a computer screen. Ironically, those people often do the same, spending half their lives on MSN, anxiously awaiting one of their 150 contacts to engage them in a 'conversation'. Not that I hate MSN, I'm just being cynical again. I, too, use it, but I don't use it as obsessively as some, nor do I often have that as the sole reason for going on a computer.
So I hope you enjoy the new series, as always feel free to leave feedback in the form of comments (if you don't have a account, don't be put off... just select the 'Anonymous' radio button and be sure to put your name at the end).
Greg, at 10 November 2004 at 8:18 pm
Greg, at 10 November 2004 at 8:19 pm
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