My Day
Completely ignoring the fact that my introductory post is far from complete for now, I shall procede to comment on my day, which will probably only make sense if you know me well enough at the moment, i.e. anybody who is likely to be reading this, which, of course, is no one.
Today was kind of interesting. Certain bits of it, anyway.
Started off with doing absolutely nothing related to COMP154 (Databases and Information Systems crap) in a prac for that subject.
Had an interesting Student Life ICS Core Group. My wit was running hot (or so it seemed... i.e. people were laughing... probably AT me, of course)...
Aside:I have been using "i.e." a lot in this post. Which is strange, considering I hate the Microsoft product by that same acronym. Instead, I use the far superior Opera web browser, which is well worth checking out for everybody, for reasons I will explain later, I'm sure. I'm very vocal about it, generally.
(back to the Core Group story)...People seemed to find my mention of one of ICS' needs of "girls++;" quite amusing. Oh well. I guess it's only cos one of my ideas of a computing joke is "[anything]++" if you want more of it, or if [anything] increases. Maybe they just haven't heard me use it enough yet for it to be as decidedly unfunny as the rest of my "jokes". We went through a sketchy version of our Strategic Vision for ICS, especially since Dan (check out his blog, as well) is likely to be leaving next year. Geoff is quite the expert at writing upside down, I was very impressed.
Then I was supposed to meet with Joy, but she had work, apparently. So I got "stood up" in the social, non-dating sense of the term again.
Then I had a COMP154 tut, which as usual, I just chatted with Adrian in.
Then I had IT with Dan, which was spent talking about girls, some of what becoming a Student Life worker actually involves, and back to girls. I think.
I then "studied" with friends for the MATH135 (First real 1st Year Maths subject... and the devil.) test worth 10% at 8pm (for me, anyways).
Then I went to Philosophy with Pembo which was unusually funny, even for Philosophy. I mean, it's usually amusing, because of Alex, my drunken Scottish philosopher lecturer (or so I like to think), but he had some great memorable quotes that I wrote down because I can never remember them. ;-) I'll post these later, and do a grand collection of them all at the end for reference, which I will post here if I remember.
Maths was interesting. Not because of the lecture content (although I was having one of those "Wow... I ALMOST get this." moments, which was probably because I was listening for once). My two friends on either side decided they were not going to listen, though, and one borrowed my phone to play games on while the other borrowed my Palm to play games on. It was quite rare, my pockets were relatively empty, and instead of me being the one playing with my Palm/phone, my two friends either side had them, and I was listening. It was just weird.
The test after that went okay, thanks to Tim and Dave's heads up on what to expect. I should pass (bet I won't now). That's it for today, I suppose.
I can so see this blog getting either deadly dull real soon, or just fizzling out altogether soon, but maybe not. We'll see.
~Greg out.
I was the one that told you about that setting! And yes, I have been through most, if not all, of the settings, it is quite good! And, yeah, I too noticed the slowness of it.
Greg, at 28 October 2004 at 2:31 pm
Tim: Yeah, I shouldn't give up on it. It's just hard to see how anyone gets anything out of: "I did this, then I did this." style of things. I'll probably learn not to post anything boring.
I thought I changed it to allow anonymous comments. Bugger. I'll have to change it again :-)
I was thinking this morning I could do it as a web page, then have a speaker icon after/before each quote text, and have it link to an MP3 of me imitating his accent. That'd be great. I'd probably have a Zip of all the sound files as well. But that would be fun and cool. I just hope I can nail the accent better than I did in the shower today. It was so falling apart, maybe too much sleep did something bad to it.
Greg, at 28 October 2004 at 9:04 pm
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